Plagiarism Policies
The act of "using or closely imitating the language and ideas of another author and representing them as one's own original work" is known as plagiarism. (
All work in the paper should be free of any plagiarism:
Literal Plagiarism. The copy and paste the text from the Internet, Books, and others papers with or without a few alterations.
Intelligent Plagiarism
Text Manipulation. The lexical and syntactical paraphrasing (or summarising) is the replacement with synonyms/antonyms and short phrases to change the appearance but not the idea of the text.
Translation. Translated plagiarism includes automatic translation and manual translation.
Idea Adoption. Idea Adoption refers to the use of others´ ideas such as results, contributions, findings and conclusions.
The journal adheres to the plagiarism policy and does not exceed the tolerance limit of 19%.
If the editor detects the element of plagiarism in the manuscript, the editor will handle it as follows
0 - 19% Plagiarism: The manuscript will be given an ID and the manuscript is sent to the reviewers.
20 - 25% Plagiarism: The manuscript will not be given an ID and the manuscript is sent back to the author for content revision.
> 25 % Plagiarism: The manuscript will be rejected without review. The authors are advised to revise the manuscript and resubmit the manuscript.
Note that self-plagiarism does not apply to publications based on the author's own previous work in conference proceedings, however, the source must be cited by the author(s).