About the Journal

Aim and Scope

Journal of Chemistry and Environment (ISSN: 2959-0132) is a peer-reviewed, open-access international journal that publishes original research and reviews in the fields of chemistry and protecting our environment for the future in an ongoing way. Our central goal is to provide a hub for researchers working across all subjects to present their discoveries, and to be a forum for the discussion of the important issues in the field. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances in chemistry to interdisciplinary research across physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and environmental chemistry disciplines are welcomed. All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks.

Journal of Chemistry and Environment aims to publish high-quality research in the following areas: (Topics include, but are not limited to, the following)

  • Physical, organic, inorganic & analytical chemistry
  • Biochemistry & medicinal chemistry
  • Environmental chemistry & environmental impacts of energy technologies
  • Chemical physics, material & computational chemistry
  • Catalysis, electrocatalysis & photocatalysis
  • Biomass, Energy, fuel cells & batteries

Types of Contributions

Journal of Chemistry and Environment publishes contributions under the headings of (i) Original Article, (ii) Review, (iii) Forum, (iv) Notes and Insights, (v) Letters to the Editor, and (vi) Book Reviews.

  • Original Articles present novel findings that advance current knowledge on a specific research topic. See the Scope for a more in-depth list of applicable research areas.
  • Notes and Insights are generally shorter; these papers report apparatus, observations, and experimental techniques and are usually limited to studies and reports of unrepeatable phenomena/unique circumstances.
  • Review papers may be published subject to review. Reviews invited by the editor may have publication fees waived.
  • Forum papers deal with current issues and questions in brief, thought-provoking form. Such papers are reviewed by the editor in consultation with the editorial board.
  • Letters to the Editor are published subject to review and approval of the editor and provide a forum to discuss specific topics. Letters should be 300 words or less in length.
  • Book Reviews may be invited by the Editor.
  • Invited Review is solicited by the Editor. These are Longer, more comprehensive articles presenting an interpretation of data that has largely been previously published.

About the Journal
Starting Year: 2022
Format: Electronic version
Language: English
Key features: Abstracted and Indexed, Refereed, Peer-reviewed.
DOI prefix/suffix: 10.56946/jce
Frequency: Semiannual- 2 issues per year (June and December)
Status: Active
Publisher: Science Research Publishers (Private) Limited,


Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts, whether solicited or unsolicited, will undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief or an appointed Editor. During this preliminary review, plagiarism screening will be conducted. Submissions and their references will also be assessed to ensure adherence to the journal’s formatting and style guidelines. Manuscripts deemed unsuitable based on the journal's overall requirements will be returned to the authors. If deemed appropriate, the papers will proceed to a detailed review conducted by external reviewers. The review process follows a double-blind peer review process. Double-blind peer review means that reviewers are unaware of the authors' identity, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. Authors will be informed about the decision regarding their manuscript, which could include acceptance, required revisions, or rejection. In cases where a Reviewer or Editor suggests a detailed revision with the option for resubmission, this feedback will be communicated to the authors accordingly. More..

Originality and plagiarism

Plagiarism is not acceptable in JCE submissions. Plagiarized content will not be considered for publication. If plagiarism is identified, we will follow COPE guidelines. The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted. More.. 

Publication Frequency

The JCE Journal will publish one volume each year. There will be two issues per volume, published on June 15th and December 15th. After the publication of an issue, all the new articles will be first added to the "Early Access" issue and thereafter to the next issue at the time of publication.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

See details

Editorial Team

Our Editorial Team comprises honorary positions such as Editor-in-Chief,  Editorial Advisory Board, Editorial Board members and Managing Editor, who manage the submissions received and help till publishing.

Selection criteria: The Journal will invite applications for Editorial Board members once every 2 years. The member selection criteria include expertise in the field of interest,  ResearchGate's RG Score, Google Scholar's H-index, and previous experience, if any. Those who serve as Reviewers of JCE and perform well (quick and detailed reviewing) may get a preference during the selection process. The journal ensures geographical balance while selecting members for the editorial team. 

The editor-in-chief takes care of article review activities such as identifying suitable reviewers in association with Editors, coordinating article revisions, and making the final decision on the acceptance of manuscripts in line with the review outcome of the submissions. Two editorial assistants and a personal assistant assist the editor-in-chief in their responsibilities.

Overall journal management, site maintenance, layout, and proofreading activities, etc., are coordinated by the Managing Editor.

See our Editorial Team

Revenue sources

Science Research Publishers support APC in the Journal of Chemistry and Environment. 

SettingsSettingsJournal Metrics

Acceptance rate


Submission to first decision

5 days

Submission to final decision

45 days

Acceptance to Publication

7 days