Designing of Smart Gene Resources and Computational Approaches For Sustainable Environment; Opportunities and Future Challenges
Gene isolation, codon optimization, gene synthesis, gene designing tools, synthetic biology and biopharmingAbstract
Gene revolution is very successful to meet the food challenges resulting from climate change and global warming. Genomic and gene database is ever growing owing to advancement and development of modern biotechnological techniques and machinery. During 1970, 80s, gene isolation was utilized to develop gene resources from original biological systems which was inherently-embraced with challenges of unoptimized protein coding DNA sequences as well as unpredicted expression pattern and levels. Originally, DNA sequences are prone to low and unstable expression in target organisms. So, codon optimization process changed the scenario all the way and most of the problems associated with unmodified sequence has been addressed. At present plethora of softwares are available that fairly process the DNA sequence to make it highly expressible and stable in heterologous systems. Different softwares are being used effectively for synthetic gene design such as, EuGene, COOL, D-Tailor, Costar. Bioinformatic tools have two main functions to data gathering and optimization of gene sequence. DNA sequences is retrieved and processed for Codon adaptation index, GC content, relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU), Protein structure, orthologs, codon pair bias (CPB) and kozak sequences. Codon optimization holds a great potential to develop gene resources which are host friendly and stable for desired traits. In future, gene resources and crop improvement will go side by side for precise and accurate crop improvement and in solving the plant improvement issues previously unaddressed.
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