About the Journal
Journal of Zoology and Systematics is an open peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research and review articles from all areas of animal sciences and systematics, including fields such as animal behavior, genetics, aquaculture, pathology, genomics, developmental biology, evolution, ecology, and conservation biology, among others.
Basic Information
- Starting year: 2023
- Serial type: Journal
- ISSN: 3005-8309 (Online)
- Format: Electronic version
- Peer Review: Double-blind peer review
- Frequency: Semiannual- 2 issues per year (June and December)
- Content type: Academic/Scholarly
- Web site: https://www.jspae.com/index.php/jzs
- Language: English
- The DOI prefix: 10.56946/jzs
- Status: Active
Aim and Scope
Journal of Zoology and Systematics (ISSN: 3005-8309) is an international journal dedicated to the advancements in animal sciences throughout the world. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists, students and academics all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of animal sciences. All manuscripts must be prepared in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Accepted papers will appear online within 3 weeks.
Journal of Zoology and Systematics publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields: Animal behaviour, genetics, aquaculture, pathology, genomics, developmental biology, evolution, ecology, entomology, biotechnology, bio-geography and conservation, wildlife management and bio-informatics. We also encourage the submission of papers that are related to advances in animal and their systems.
We are also interested in: 1) Short Reports– 2-5 pages where the paper is intended to present either an original idea with theoretical treatment or preliminary data and results; 2) Book Reviews – Comments and critiques of recently published books in agricultural sciences.
Peer Review Process
Originality and plagiarism
Publication Frequency
The JZS Journal will publish one volume each year. There will be two issues per volume, published on June 15th and December 15th. After the publication of an issue, all the new articles will be first added to the "Early Access" issue and thereafter to the next issue at the time of publication.
Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
Editorial Team
Our Editorial Team comprises honorary positions such as Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Advisory Board, Editorial Board members and Managing Editor, who manage the submissions received and help till publishing.
Selection criteria: The Journal will invite applications for Editorial Board members once every 2 years. The member selection criteria include expertise in the field of interest, ResearchGate's RG Score, Google Scholar's H-index, and previous experience, if any. Those who serve as Reviewers of PST and perform well (quick and detailed reviewing) may get a preference during the selection process. The journal ensures geographical balance while selecting members for the editorial team.
The editor-in-chief takes care of article review activities such as identifying suitable reviewers in association with Editors, coordinating article revisions, and making the final decision on the acceptance of manuscripts in line with the review outcome of the submissions. Two editorial assistants and a personal assistant assist the editor-in-chief in their responsibilities.
Overall journal management, site maintenance, layout, and proofreading activities, etc., are coordinated by the Managing Editor.
See our Editorial Team
Revenue sources
The journal collects revenue from Article Processing Charges (APC) to partially meet the journal publishing costs.